Allah-Almighty is most merciful on His creatures. Even God says,” Off-course man is a puppet of sins but those who really come back at the right path I the Benevolent forgive him”.
Certainly, Satan is the biggest foe of man as he challenged to astray the man from the right path at the time of denying to Adam. But, on the other hand, Allah-Almighty promised to forgive the man again and again. Thus, when we just glimpse in our heart, we come to know that how much we have indulged in Devil’s wrongdoings. Despite having the dust of sins God is even Kind on us and offers the maximum chances to come back at the right track.
Nevertheless, the man has conferred as a gift with Salah and Umrah which eliminate the man’s previous sins. No doubt, offering the Salah delights the man’s soul as well as God, but the people who want to make sure the consent of Allah-Almighty in His House (Kaaba), they obviously perform Umrah.If you do not feel the spiritual happiness then you must concentrate to perform Umrah through any 5 Star Umrah Packages 2019 All Inclusive which will voice you the good news.
Some people so much desirous of virtues, so they always find the moments in which they could get maximum rewards and whenever they catch the chance they don’t miss it. In this way, the opportunities which can increase the virtues, are offering prayer in the Masjid e Nabwi as well as performing the Umrah in Ramadan. About the Umrah, in Ramadan, the Prophet of God said,” Performing the Umrah in Ramadan is equal to Hajj’s reward. So, if you want to get Hajj’s equal reward then 14 Nights 5 Star Ramadan Umrah Packages 2019 will be the best package for you.

About the offering prayer in Masjid Nabwi, the Prophet Muhammad (SAW) said,’’ the person who offers prayer in Masjid e Nabwi, so he/she will get one thousand prayer’s rewards common mosque comparatively. Thus, anyway if you could not get the chance in Ramadan so you divert your attention through December Umrah Package 2019 which will be proved the finest Umrah experience. Moreover, you can easily have access to offer the prayer in Majid e Nabwi because of walking under the climate temperature as well.
Therefore, both Salah and Umrah must be devoted to your soul as they directly lead to Jannah and rescue you from Satan’s attack.